3 Minute German
Course 1
This course contains lessons 1 to 9 of the 3 Minute German series. It's perfect for complete beginners or for those who have tried and failed to learn German in the past. You will succeed with 3 Minute German.

3 Minute German
Course 2
This is the second course in the series, and it contains lessons 10 to 18. You'll learn lots of new sentence structures and how to ask questions in German. Plus, you'll learn about the backbone of any language: verbs.

3 Minute German
Course 3
This course consists of lessons 19 to 26 of the 3 Minute German series, and it really rounds off the first three courses. You'll learn plenty of new words and phrases around many different topics. Plus, you'll find a bumper recap section at the end of this course.

3 Minute German
Course 4
In this fourth course, you'll get lessons 27 to 35. This course moves on from the tourism theme of the first three courses, and you start to venture out into more conversational language. You'll also be introduced to something called Building Structures.

3 Minute German
Course 5
Hier ist der fรผnfte Kurs - here is the fifth course of the 3 Minute German series, and it contains lessons 36 to 44. In this course, you'll really expand your vocabulary and open up huge new areas of the German language with lots of new adjectives and adverbs. You'll also look at the past tense, aka the present perfect.

3 Minute German
Course 6
We start this course by recapping the present perfect tense, and then we start to look at different ways to talk about the past. We also look at how the phrase ich darf can be used in ways you might not have thought about, and then we'll look at the useful word kein.