French adjectives
Let’s have a look at the adjectives we learnt in course 1, and how we make them agree to the noun they’re describing
There are rules for how to agree the adjective in French. If you were to look in a dictionary for any adjective, the version you find is the one you can use to describe masculine singular nouns, and then we change it if we want to describe feminine nouns or plural nouns. Let’s have a look at what those changes are:
adjective doesn’t change
add an S to the end of the adjective
add an E to the end of the adjective
add an ES to the end of the adjective
Let’s have a look at an example of this in use with the adjective “parfait”, which means “perfect”.
le poulet est parfait – the chicken is perfect
les poulets sont parfaits – the chickens are perfect
la dinde est parfaite – the turkey is perfect
les dindes sont parfaites – the turkeys are perfect
Irregular adjectives
Now, those four rules are general rules that you can apply to most adjectives. There are adjectives that don’t follow these rules, which do their own thing. When you come across irregular adjectives, it’s a good idea to learn how they change. In the 3 Minute French courses, when we learn irregular adjectives, we always learn their unique feminine and plural versions, too.
Let’s go through all the adjectives we’ve learnt in 3 Minute French – Course 1, and how they change depending on the noun they’re describing
GOOD = bon, bonne, bons, bonnes
DELICIOUS = délicieux, délicieuse, délicieux, délicieuses
FANTASTIC = fantastique, fantastique, fantastiques, fantastiques
BEAUTIFUL = beau, belle, beaux, belles
EXTRAORDINARY = extraordinaire, extraordinaire, extraordinaires, extraordinaires
PERFECT = parfait, parfaite, parfaits, parfaits
BAD = mauvais, mauvaise, mauvais, mauvaises
TERRIBLE = terrible, terrible, terribles, terribles
NICE = sympa, sympa, sympa, sympa
Let's practise
See if you can say these sentences in French. Firstly, here’s a little vocabulary you might need.
Masculine nouns
the chicken – le poulet
the wine – le vin
the restaurant – le restaurant
the boy – le garçon
Feminine nouns
the turkey – la dinde
the carrot – la carotte
the beach – la plage
the food – la nourriture
- The chicken is good
- The restaurant is extraordinary
- The turkey is fantastic
- The boy is nice
- The wine is terrible
- The carrots are perfect
- The beach is beautiful
- The wine is delicious
- The coffee is terrible
- The food is bad
- Le poulet est bon
- Le restaurant est extraordinaire
- La dinde est fantastique
- Le garçon est sympa
- Le vin est terrible
- Les carottes sont parfaites
- La plage est belle
- Le vin est délicieux
- Le café est terrible
- La nourriture est mauvaise
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