Here's a little guide about how to pronounce the letter H in Spanish

Siempre muda

In Spanish, the letter H is easy to pronounce. That’s
because you simply don’t pronounce it at all; we can say that it’s “siempre muda” (always silent).

hablar – “ah-BLAR” (to speak)
hermano – “air-MAH-noh” (brother)
hotel – “oh-TEL” (hotel)
hola – “OH-lah” (hello)
hombre – “OM-breh” (man)

This is also true if the H appears in the middle of the

vehículo – “beh-EE-koo-loh” (vehicle)
prohibir – “proh-ee-BEER” (to prohibit)
rehacer – “reh-ah-SAIR” (to redo)


The only time the letter H affects the pronunciation of a word in Spanish is when it appears after the letter C, giving you CH. The CH combination is pronounced just like it is in English: like the “ch” in “church

chico – “CHEE-koh” (boy)
chocolate – “cho-ko-LA-teh” (chocolate)
coche – “KOH-cheh” (car)
noche – “NOH-cheh” (night)
champú – “cham-POO” (shampoo)

Let's practise

Let’s practise pronouncing a few words in Spanish that contain the letter H. Here are ten Spanish words – how would you pronounce them? The answers are below:

  1. cachorro (puppy)
  2. hora (hour)
  3. rancho (ranch)
  4. hablar (to speak)
  5. charlar (to chat)
  6. hielo (ice)
  7. hecho (done)
  8. hijo (son)
  9. hada (fairy)
  10. hierba (grass)


  1. kah-CHOH-roh
  2. OR-ah
  3. RAN-choh
  4. ab-LAR
  5. char-LAR
  6. YEH-loh
  7. EH-cho
  8. EE-hoh
  9. AH-dah
  10. YAIR-bah