Here’s a little guide about how to pronounce the letter V in Spanish.

V & B

The letters B and V are pronounced the same in Spanish; they’re both pronounced like the English B.

Venezuela beh-neh-SWEH-lah
vino BEE-noh (wine)
vivo BEE-boh (alive)
verdad bair-DAD (truth)
Valencia bah-LEN-see-ah

Let's practise

Let’s practise pronouncing a few words in Spanish that contain the letter V. Here are ten Spanish words – how would you pronounce them? The answers are below:

  1. volver (to return)
  2. viaje (trip)
  3. verano (summer)
  4. ventana (window)
  5. verde (green)
  6. convivir (to live together)
  7. prevenir (to prevent)
  8. valiente (brave)
  9. vestido (dress)
  10. visitar(to visit)


  1. “vol-BAIR”
  2. “bee-AH-hay”
  3. “beh-RAH-noh”
  4. “ben-TAH-nah”
  5. “BAIR-deh”
  6. “kon-bee-BEER”
  7. “preh-beh-NEER”
  8. “bah-lee-EN-the”
  9. “bes-TEE-doh”
  10. “bee-see-TAHR”